Saturday, January 7, 2012

Functional World Revolution

In the world species come to life and go extinct for the average time of 4 million year each.
In the duration of that time the species live in his natural habitat mostly in a very healthy condition of most of its specimens, which is in regardless of his preferable diet, it is just born into a balanced environment, and eco system that supplies all of its needs in abandon.

In the Human species we have lost that place of balance a while ago, and we are not in a place of abandonment for our needs with most of mankind, we have diverted from the place of balance when we changed our diet we were designed to eat, and as you know mind and body, energy determine structure and vice versa, once the body is out of alignment it will affect the course of the spiritual development.

Since that diversion happened we have developed tremendously with our abilities and technologies and basically took over the planet and put it in our control to an extent, however coming from a spiritual place of lack, of under nourishment and not taking care for our basic needs, we have failed to put the planet under the kind of control that would provide the natural blessing of abundance to all of our specimen.

We live in a society where many forces take place, those forces are natural forces that work on people and societies, forces that put together communications between living organisms in all levels of complexity and awareness, and those same natural forces takes place in our most complex governing systems, however since the organisms that are mostly involved in those communications are humans that for the most case have lost their natural connection to their bodies and there for not living in a balanced state even though they have reached places of great power, it is impossible to expect that the natural forces that are used by those individuals be in the right proportions for the coordination of our efforts as a species to care for each of our individuals to live in health and wealth as we are capable of as this planet has all the resources to do so.

Same like a body, where his cells are not provided with correct nourishment and are not existing happily,  were the person in that body will find it hard to lead a happy life, same is for our species, were big portions of our population are living in lack, that inhibit the well being of all of us as a whole.

With that said I must mention that in every tribe or animal pack there are always the strongest that get the best shares and the weakest that sometimes get disposed of, however that is in the micro, for I am looking obviously in the macro here.
This planet is a ball of energy, raw matter, where life energy been applied onto it for millions of years, affecting it and changing it.
And look at what life does to matter in the micro, when a living organism come to life, it starts as some kind of a yolk, that yolk have a sperm at one end of it that slowly surround it until it fully covers it, and then, a layer of muscles slowly ending up covering that yolk, while inner organs grow as well, and all of that happen using the yolk energy and building materials.

Once that work is done, the new born might already in the free world or still within his mothers belly, but eventually the specimen will learn how to use all of those muscles, to coordinate them together and create the full range of movement he was born to perform, basically taking the original power and agents of the raw yolk material and applying them for the purpose of his DNA or whatever other purpose he can conceive of using it for, hence, the raw energy converts into coordinated muscle mass that integrate a joint effort of all the living cells to create a further outcome that  is specific and determined by the awareness of the species.

Well this is in the micro, because in the macro, our species hasn’t got yet to the awareness of where it would like to go and how to harness the planet energy for the fact that it hasn’t managed to aligne all the muscles of its society, in other words, as long as we have war, genocide and famine, it basically means that we haven’t managed to take care of aligning ourselves as a species, as mankind, for the discovery of our purpose on this plant.

It would take the discipline of us conquering our genetic code, learning how to control our need to create these phenomenons; it would take us learning how to get back in balance before we can successfully align our species- Homo sapiens together.

Amir Solsky

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