Wednesday, August 8, 2012

HS Seminar

When it comes to body weight exercise and upper body strength, Hand stands are where basics starts.

From an anatomical view point our arms and shoulder blades are designed to manipulate objects against our stable body, or to manipulate our body against a stable resistance of an object, hence the use of tools, and hence the way Chimps are moving on trees with great freedom (we share a very similar design). Our shoulder is the joint were we have the biggest range of motion in our upper body.

If you would th
ink of a big size person who can bench a very heavy weight, that person still might not be able to perform a pull up, or maneuver his body in space using his upper body strength , compare that with a little skinny girl who can go to a hand stand, one arm HS, back to HS, and lower to a planch; As skinny as this girl is, her upper body strength is greater then that of the first guy for the fact that she is stronger in relation to her body, and that strength will transfer much better to other ways of using the body. The body building strength will not translate as well into other fields of movement and it isn't the most efficient to develop upper body strength.

In this Seminar we will look at HS from various perspective, get a deeper understanding of the processes that are taking place, and get many tools to develop and progress on our HS work.

Amir Solsky

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Human Subluxation of Life.

Humans together with rest of the apes share a common characteristic, and that is the fact that a very big percent of our behavioral patterns are learned, verses more of an instinctive predisposition in other animals.

In the very recent modern humans however, this very fact is coming back to bite us in our behind!
Becoming the species that takes the longest time for its infants to reach independence allowed us to learn and teach the secrets of our environments to our young with great success, however nowadays that we are so removed and detached from it, we also lost touch with our roots and connection to life.

  Once forming our random opinions regarding what we conceive to be food, we constantly injure ourselves with our consumption, mistakenly believing that our degeneration stem from chronological age and laziness. We have developed the ability to sense lust for various substance, and secrete enzymes and saliva to the sight of things unrecognized by our inner environment.

Similarly we got so accustomed to bodily shapes that never used to exist (with correlating health issues), that they are now considered normal and are fully accepted. While it is the reality we live in and one would naively say who are we to judge, one need to be blind not to. I am not looking to put blame on no one in particular, not even on us as a society, but I feel it is important to recognize the situation as it is, especially since the answers to it been around us since before we even appeared, and since during recent times even science managed to prove lots of our misconceptions about them, the reason to point this out is that we could actually do a lot about it individually and as a society.

It is hard and often disheartening to write, talk and work with this issue, however I feel a strong obligation to pursue it as there is so much proven science about it. I have so much proven results to show with myself (having same background as anyone else in our times) and other people I worked with. And I am still looking for the venue to be able to put this knowledge out there on the much larger scale that it deserves.

We are a new and genius species, And our geniuses has so far cost us a heavy price!

Structural evolution has progressed by the use of bodies and the adaptation of muscle formation to changes in movement needs and environmental demands, without any conscious awareness of that change, over periods of millions of years. Nowadays with human physical development, we have the science of biomechanics with regards to our bodies,  and there for we are able to design practices that would cause calculated changes in our physic for better of worst.

Likewise with our diet, while our digestive system modified as a result of changing circumstances, we now have the scientific knowledge  of the way that system works, and there for we have the means to get more accurate and articulated results out of it, by optimizing its use.

Theoretically we should be as advanced in our health  as we are with our technological developments, however as close as this issue is to our hearts, seems like there are many things in the way of achieving that one, individual reasons and social ones.

I am all hope that we would learn to work around those quickly and restore our health back to the way it should be.

Amir Solsky

Friday, April 13, 2012

Moderation in Eating.

I like the idea of eating in moderation, however from conversation with people, most of the time when I hear this argument, it is by proponents who hide behind it as a reason to not learn or understand nutrition.
For moderation in eating to work for your individual needs and get you your maximum health benefits possible from your diet, there is a lot for you to know about nutrition as well as knowing your body (and while most people will tell you they know their bodies, they are far from being in their optimal health condition).
The first workable data about Moderation, is that it needs to refer to food, in other word, if you ingest thing that are not food, moderation with it will not propel you to better health. A clear example could be wood, while it has calories and some life forms can digest it, consuming it will not produce any benefit for us, and probably even hinder our progress into a healthier state.
Now while this one is quite obvious, some other biologic matter has fallen to a grey area, since some substances are very commonly consumes by our species nowadays, for instance;
Trans fatty acids- while we all know it is not good for us, most of us don’t know that it is actually never been food, it originally was an industrial by product, a fatty acid that does not exist in nature, and is causing lots of havoc in our systems, no moderation can be of help here either.
While most of us would swear they don’t consume it we don’t realize that money making industries were smarter than us by not calling them tarns fat on labels, instead they could be recognized as hydrogenised vegetable oils to their sorts.
One of the things that from early times got our species to be successful is the fact that we are highly adaptable, and prove to that exists in the variety of diets we were able to adapt to in various parts of the planet.
Having said that, among other things that should not be consumed in moderation are alcohols, and grain food. To each his own problems, but just to show for the latter, it was mistaken for food many ages ago; while only recently science is starting to realize all the problems it had created.
Here is an article that shed light on some of the related problems:

In order to fully understand the full meaning of eating in moderation, one need to understand that havoc creating substances in the food is NOT included in moderation, damaging the cells and tissues of your body with things you consume cannot be called moderation!

Eating in moderation has to do first with eating real food, and when it comes to that it is pretty much consist of various meats and eggs, produce (not including grains and legumes), tubers, and nuts.
The Word moderation imply ratio between these ingredients, and that is a very individual thing, it would vary with age, physical activity as well as changing existing plateaus in health and body composition, it would also vary for different ethnicities.

For one thing we need to realize that we had developed for millions of years to be a meat eating species, one of our closest relatives, the Neanderthals, were proven by bone tests to be a complete meat eating species, even though there were lots of veggies and fruits in their proximities, they did not touch those, and that does say lots about us.
However, we have adapted to various diets across the globe, some of complete carnivores, others less so.
The bottom line is, there are many ways to manipulate food intake for bettering physical conditions, and there is a lot to know.
While it is a very exciting journey to get to know your body, it does help shortening the way by working with individuals that know the bigger picture, as there is a lot of confusion in this field, even among people that claim to work in it.

Amir Solsky.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On being a mover

Some people like to get in shape without bettering any ability, some people like to get in shape without having to learn anything new, some people like to look better without having to be more connected to their bodies, without having to sense what their body is trying to tell them.
some people are spending some very hard work without betterment of any skill, too lazy or tired to have any brain activity while practicing, yet they have enough energy to train hard.
You could say well since they never experienced gaining abilities before they just don't know what they are missing and therefor they are excused for being mentally lazy, but truth is there is no replacement for really using your body for a purpose, for being connected to your body by finding ways to move in spaces, and there is no better balanced workout then doing just that to develop the most healthy look. other specific work can improve this experience but without this experience and constant real movement it would always be just a mere replacement and will never produce the same powerfully lasting results of really using your body.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Functional World Revolution

In the world species come to life and go extinct for the average time of 4 million year each.
In the duration of that time the species live in his natural habitat mostly in a very healthy condition of most of its specimens, which is in regardless of his preferable diet, it is just born into a balanced environment, and eco system that supplies all of its needs in abandon.

In the Human species we have lost that place of balance a while ago, and we are not in a place of abandonment for our needs with most of mankind, we have diverted from the place of balance when we changed our diet we were designed to eat, and as you know mind and body, energy determine structure and vice versa, once the body is out of alignment it will affect the course of the spiritual development.

Since that diversion happened we have developed tremendously with our abilities and technologies and basically took over the planet and put it in our control to an extent, however coming from a spiritual place of lack, of under nourishment and not taking care for our basic needs, we have failed to put the planet under the kind of control that would provide the natural blessing of abundance to all of our specimen.

We live in a society where many forces take place, those forces are natural forces that work on people and societies, forces that put together communications between living organisms in all levels of complexity and awareness, and those same natural forces takes place in our most complex governing systems, however since the organisms that are mostly involved in those communications are humans that for the most case have lost their natural connection to their bodies and there for not living in a balanced state even though they have reached places of great power, it is impossible to expect that the natural forces that are used by those individuals be in the right proportions for the coordination of our efforts as a species to care for each of our individuals to live in health and wealth as we are capable of as this planet has all the resources to do so.

Same like a body, where his cells are not provided with correct nourishment and are not existing happily,  were the person in that body will find it hard to lead a happy life, same is for our species, were big portions of our population are living in lack, that inhibit the well being of all of us as a whole.

With that said I must mention that in every tribe or animal pack there are always the strongest that get the best shares and the weakest that sometimes get disposed of, however that is in the micro, for I am looking obviously in the macro here.
This planet is a ball of energy, raw matter, where life energy been applied onto it for millions of years, affecting it and changing it.
And look at what life does to matter in the micro, when a living organism come to life, it starts as some kind of a yolk, that yolk have a sperm at one end of it that slowly surround it until it fully covers it, and then, a layer of muscles slowly ending up covering that yolk, while inner organs grow as well, and all of that happen using the yolk energy and building materials.

Once that work is done, the new born might already in the free world or still within his mothers belly, but eventually the specimen will learn how to use all of those muscles, to coordinate them together and create the full range of movement he was born to perform, basically taking the original power and agents of the raw yolk material and applying them for the purpose of his DNA or whatever other purpose he can conceive of using it for, hence, the raw energy converts into coordinated muscle mass that integrate a joint effort of all the living cells to create a further outcome that  is specific and determined by the awareness of the species.

Well this is in the micro, because in the macro, our species hasn’t got yet to the awareness of where it would like to go and how to harness the planet energy for the fact that it hasn’t managed to aligne all the muscles of its society, in other words, as long as we have war, genocide and famine, it basically means that we haven’t managed to take care of aligning ourselves as a species, as mankind, for the discovery of our purpose on this plant.

It would take the discipline of us conquering our genetic code, learning how to control our need to create these phenomenons; it would take us learning how to get back in balance before we can successfully align our species- Homo sapiens together.

Amir Solsky