Sunday, August 10, 2014


Since the 70's and 80's 'fitness' had become mainstream, with the desire to look better, whatever that means, and the advance of bodybuilding.

Now days while fitness is still strong, seem like people have found that sport rather empty and are now looking into movement, bettering movement, whatever that means.

And I'm just thinking... The real beauty of the body, the real magic, and where the value is, is in the expression, you can say art.

Looks and movement is form, a mean to an end and meaningless by itself. It is the content that is interesting.

It seem like people are so invested in this form and that one, that the reason behind the form get obscured and forgotten.

Physical culture used to be about health, bodybuilding eliminated that aspect.

Health introduced balance and host of beautiful concepts but the world left that behind..

form has triumphed over content, and love has lost its meaning.

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