Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cellular health

For many of us it is hard to perceive, but our body is a colony of cells.
It is similar to this Coral from my fish tank. Each circle that you see in the coral and in every coral is a single organism, the hole in the middle is used for consumption, breathing and excrement. Together these organisms form a colony (Each organism is made of living cells on the cellular level, and they in turn all have different tasks in the contribution of the livelihood of our organism).
At home I grow lots of colonies of coral, fish, as well as my own body.
For many of us it is hard to imagine, but our arms, livers, and other various organs are a living colony of organism, ones that can express themselves to a similar extent of other life forms we encounter, only that our own body is there to support our personal livelihood.
For better or worst in our culture we have been perceiving ourselves separately from our bodies thinking that the state of our body doesn’t have much to do with our personality and the capacity of our intellect.
That perception doesn’t take into account the fact that we have a set of cells that allows our spiritual self to express itself though our body. Those are nerve cells and the center of command, our brain.
When our bodily organs degenerate, the same happens to our brain and nerves. We wouldn’t necessarily lose the ability to talk, or compute, or use other functions of it. Same like we don’t easily lose our ability to run or hold things.
It is a biologic adaptation that once we intensely use one of our functions, our body will support its growth even if that is on account of another body part failure. Still that function will be less then optimal in that case.
Many of us have lost the ability to squat, sprint, jump, or perform other vital actions that used to be crucial for our survival, and you can make your own calculation as to our brain functionality. We might be keeping it functional to an extent, but is it as adaptable as it should be?
There are many things that effect our livelihood, be it money, care for our dear ones or communities. All of these have the capacity to better the conditions of living colonies of cells, and therefore better the conditions of those who govern them.
And I say, don’t just worry about those who govern. I make it a point of bringing the animals around me to as much life as possible by understanding how their biology works.
There is a problem to life, while spirit is all one, every living organism is feeding on other organism since the dawn of creation, that could be looked at as a moral contradiction but if you think about it enough you will find that it is not!
I do the same with the people I surround myself with, increasing their livelihood by education regarding our eating habits and the system that feed our cells, and on the effects of various movements on the adaptation of these mute organisms that follow our instructions for good or bad.
And of course I make it first priority to take the best care I can of my own self, which sadly is much more then what I see most people do even though it defy any good judgment to me.
I see good people looking in the wrong places, not knowing how to start thinking about these concepts, living at mediocrity with themselves. 
All of that could be changed and this is how.
Now prove me wrong or get to it!
Amir Solsky 

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