Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Lost World

We are living in a world that lost the will to be free. Looking around you, you’ll see people that are a disgrace to their genes, we work in boring offices, not being in the sun, we eat all kind of commercial food, and other substances that our bodies can’t recognize, using other chemicals in vein hope that they would heal our ailments, slaves to debt, sleep deprived, prone to stress, entertaining ourselves with alcohol and other poisons, and as far as could be from the natural life we were designed to live.

Funny thing is that we constructed our lives to be this way with our own hands, therefore we own it, and then on the same coin, we hate it!

Being brought up in a system, we buy into it and adopt it without a question, fooling ourselves to think we do question it; we buy onto other dogmas which are just as un-natural for us.

Unavoidably,  we breed weakness in ourselves, for by the time we do see a path that is natural and healthy, we are skeptical about it, unable to recognize its value, we criticize it and fail to follow it.

The good news is that nowadays things are changing, there is a new generation coming up now, a generation that hadn’t made all of these mistakes yet and hence doesn’t have the need to prove that those mistakes were actually right doings, a generation that won’t be following this system anymore…

Everything is changing nowadays, dinosaurs money makers that used to be huge are now extinct, new ideas spring up, and people find new trends and ways to make money nowadays, ways that wouldn’t have worked a few decades ago, needs that were not recognized.

Darwin’s natural selection is the call of the day, species that were able to modify themselves into the changing environment, survived. While species that failed to do so always went extinct.

Good news is that the new way is much more in tune with our nature, and is much more fun to follow.

Be Flexible, be Strong, and Endure, Don’t go extinct! Think fresh!

Amir Solsky


Friday, March 25, 2011


Hi there,
A few words about my upcoming posts.
My posts are ideas that went through my head, put in writing, they are not intended to be regarded as facts, obviously i haven't added a bibliography, and for that matter they are not even my opinions, they are only ideas that went through my head, and I thought they would make good conversations and give someone something good to think about.
Due to the extreme nature of some of my writings, I have to say that I didn't mean to offend you if you decided to take any of it personally, and i can assure you that all i wanted with any of it, is for it to go toward a positive outcome and perspective.

With that said you are fully responsible for any action you decide to take as a result of reading these..

Your truly,

Amir Solsky


The new creation story

Homo species started existing some 2.5 million years ago, Homo erectus was one of the earliest ones to go out of Africa and colonize Asia and Europe, and developed to various hominids, which ended up becoming various ethnic groups, also erectus was of the first hunter gatherer societies.

All nice and good, brain size been increasing in size among the various kinds of Homo evolving around the world, around 10,000 years ago, homo sapience diverge from his diet and invent agriculture, still a species living in the nature, having languages that are quite developed, our species start to have a consciousness of its difference from nature, possibly due to the fact that our diet at this point is completely un-natural and causing lots of problem with our new life styles, which we don’t quite know how to explain.

However with this new bred consciousness, some societies starting to consider themselves as sons of gods, in particular the Jewish, the Japanese, possibly other culture that has various gods at this point, and as that they establish the first strong ethnic connections known to us today.
Other groups adopted other notions of god and prophets, some in a more humble ways.

Agriculture is traced back to have started in the Middle East some 12,000-15,000 years ago.
While the first academic institution traces back to be a more recent invention by Muslim society, Judaism has been one of the strong religions that came early to effect big portions of the world, probably due to the fact that in this area we been deviating from our original diet for the longest, and had the most time to solidify unnatural ideas.

Asian societies seemed to have been paying closer observation to nature since they had come with more holistic philosophies that are closer in resemblance to nature; however they too had their share of mysticism.

Other tribe of homo sapience had other believe. Though not as well established since agriculture took many thousands of years to spread.

As for the Jewish people, once they got scattered across the globe, their strength of conviction and the results that their life styles offered, must have left a big impression on other races, as they have been recruited large number of homos from various races into the mix, other races that must have dropped their believes in order to join a stronger force that proved to have certainty mixed with things to show for it.

Other religions also originated at that region possibly due to similar circumstances, and followed similar route.

Various religions and ideologies didn’t recognized the validity of others, and since as a species we always liked to fight nearby tribes (like chimps like to do), we started using those religions and following stories, together with the bloody history that existed, to justify further killing and blood shed.

And this bring us to the point today, were we still kill other humans for belonging to other race or ethnic group, still build our cause on religious reasons or other political reason, though completely ignoring our history and the way we developed and brought up together as a species, developing from chimps into so many spectacular varieties, and ways of living.

Religion is an important tool to develop faith, and faith brings with it the ability to develop discipline, which is important in order to acquire skills in nowadays reality, our reality is very creative, a lot already had been done, and in order to renew, there is a need to have a lot of knowledge about what had been created in order to better it, that takes vision, faith and discipline.

This kind of creation that been taking place were at times probably enhanced by religious ideas, where the values that had been taught in religious places could help people in their spiritual development, and produced better individuals obviously, however there were always the war mongers, the ones who like to use religious for it’s darker sides.

While that always took place in the past, now there are a growing number of people that been fed up with this tendency of religious organizations. Plus many of the spiritual tools had been distilled and are now being taught in regardless of religions with great results, developing and teaching humans all of those personal skills.

Still there is a lot of confusion about this issue, since with the loss of religion there becomes a void, a lack of substance, and superficiality can infiltrate in.

A good solution to that I find in knowing more about where we come from and who we really are.

Now of course everyone knows of evolution, and that we came from apes, and Neanderthals, but do we really KNOW it? We all still think we are so different from nature, that somewhere we are sons of gods, and not animals like chimps and Neanderthals. And that is exactly what I mean.

If there were a Neanderthal among us today (and there really are) they aren’t doing so badly, even though they didn’t invent what we have here today back then.

We are those Hominids, we still develop, the stories we made were very nice but they don’t serve us anymore, they hold us back now.
Our deviation from nature is holding us back, our commercial diet is holding us back, science is yet to come with a diet as good as the one Mother Nature had for us.

Time to drop holding on to believes and ideas that are so far from the obvious truth about us, time to realize who we are, and connecting to those notions, so that we can better live in peace with each other, so that we can be healthier, and so we can truly protect what is here to protect before it is too late. Time to know the dangers within our nature, so that we can better defend ourselves against ourselves. 

Amir Solsky
