Friday, January 30, 2015


With everything we allow to happen through us, we create ourselves, and set patterns in motion, with potentially numerous repetition to happen in the future, for who we are becoming.
Will you take that Ritalin so that you can study (what are you really teaching yourself). Will you have this drink with these people (what emotion are you trying to erase from your experience). Will you have that soda with this less then nutritious food ( why is there this vacuum in your belly). Will you take advantage of this person weakness to make a few bucks (who are you becoming).
Or will you take a walk by the water, read an enlightening book, have a satisfying nutritious meal, help this person out making sure he has been helped as much as possible.
If going from the first group of actions to the second is not easy, it's because you already set things in motion. Truth is it could be easy if you didn't stand in your own way (but on your way instead). You should be asking some questions (and you should have the answers).

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Strength and Skill

The right balance between those two can be very elusive, unless it is clearly a strength skill. 
For most other bodily skills, the better you get at it, the less strength it requires.

People that engage in a high strength practice will little or no skill involved, be usually more in the category of fitness people, while people that fully engage in skill work would be ranging from artists to athletes.

But other then categorizing people, strength is generally known as one of the biggest factors that determines improvement in a sport, and adaptability to new patterns.
Strength does help in the first steps of acquiring new skill, before higher efficiency sets in and strength become less of a factor. Which also mean that weaker people could acquire it with more patience. 

Strength and flexibility also play a big part in injury prevention. 
Flexibility in yielding to unexpected impacts and strength for joint stability.

For fitness people, getting into skill work might not be a requirement of their field, but it always broaden their perspective and understanding of their field and would have a big impact on their coordination and quality of performance even in their fitness field, if only due to the fact that the central nerves system gets so much more developed in this type of activity.

For skill people, strength work could offer a bridge to brake through plateaus, but here it is much more individualized and the main purpose should be kept strongly in mind, it is a matter of a fine balance and setting clear goals, or even periodic goals to allow measuring the progress throughout the years.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Are you informed?

Does a domesticated animal understands her wild counterpart from a domestic view point? does she have any type of knowledge at all? off course she does, and a lot. But how applicable is this knowledge to the true ways of this planet. Is the domesticated animal knowledge more valuable then the wild one's? in a fairy tail world it is, but in reality? what is reality?
This is the age of information/misinformation, and we are all domesticated! There is nothing to fear. When starting to understand anything, one of the first steps is understanding you understand nothing.