Wednesday, August 8, 2012

HS Seminar

When it comes to body weight exercise and upper body strength, Hand stands are where basics starts.

From an anatomical view point our arms and shoulder blades are designed to manipulate objects against our stable body, or to manipulate our body against a stable resistance of an object, hence the use of tools, and hence the way Chimps are moving on trees with great freedom (we share a very similar design). Our shoulder is the joint were we have the biggest range of motion in our upper body.

If you would th
ink of a big size person who can bench a very heavy weight, that person still might not be able to perform a pull up, or maneuver his body in space using his upper body strength , compare that with a little skinny girl who can go to a hand stand, one arm HS, back to HS, and lower to a planch; As skinny as this girl is, her upper body strength is greater then that of the first guy for the fact that she is stronger in relation to her body, and that strength will transfer much better to other ways of using the body. The body building strength will not translate as well into other fields of movement and it isn't the most efficient to develop upper body strength.

In this Seminar we will look at HS from various perspective, get a deeper understanding of the processes that are taking place, and get many tools to develop and progress on our HS work.

Amir Solsky